Monday 22 November 2010

Werner Bischof

Werner Bischof  started his career working as an independent photographer for various magazines. His coverage of the destruction of post-world war 2 established him as one of the foremost photojournalist of his time. Was the sixth person to join Magnum Photos. He was sent to cover the famine in India in 1951 and to Japan to cover the damage to the country after the war. The images he produced are amazing. The composition is fantastic, use of natural light, shadows, angles, balance and focus is excellent. All his work was in black and white and i think it works beautifully. He doesn't try to be too clever with his shots but manages to capture the right moment. This is a style and skill that i would like to learn.
I really like this image, the silhouette of a man observing the destruction of buildings during the second world war. Maybe one of them was his home. The focus on the buildings and use of shadows works really well.

This photograph of a railway track in India takes you right into it, looking at all the detail such as the person crossing the track and the smoke.It's an excellent use of lines.

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