Wednesday 29 December 2010

Steve McCurry

Steve McCurry was born in Philadelphia in 1950. After graduating from university and then working at a newspaper for 2 years he left to freelance in India. Here he learned and homed his skills such as the need for patience- to wait for the right moment. Hard work- taking 20 shots to get 1 good one and even coming back to the same place the next day and doing it all over again.
His style is documentary and his photo-journalism has covered many of the wars and conflicts of the last 30 years. His work has been featured in every major magazine in the world.

He is most famous for the picture of the Afghan Girl. It is a photograph which shows sadness,fear,poverty but at the same time beauty and colour. He captures these contrasts in much of his work where he has taken close ups of people.

This picture shows men at work- fishing. It is beautifully composed and looks like it could be scene out of a film.Mccurry's use of colour in his shots makes them outstanding. This is someyhing i would like to study further.